456 THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Chap. XIII. figure of which Fra Bartolommeo was the first to make use, in preference to the models of clay, familiar to Leo nardo and Credi. We can therefore trace each step taken by the artist, from the moment of planning to that of putting in the contours and shadows. We mark with what science and depth of thought, with what method he kept to Leonardo’s rules in dividing space, and in combining groups to advantage at various elevations in a given room, in order to attain a result by which several intricate pro blems are solved. But there is something more than science and method to be discerned, and that is the in spired air of the S. Anna, the weight, the dignity, and proud bearing of the saints, the masculine strength of the art evolved. If, on issuing from his cell, Fra Bartolom meo was desirous to soften his style, and for that reason endeavoured to temper it by looking at the works of An gelico and Perugino, his relations with Mariotto, the re miniscences of his youth, and the current of the age took him back in 1512 to the true breadth of the great Florentines. How it was that this “Conception” was never carried out is a mystery the more difficult to explain, because in June 1513 the government of Florence advanced a .hun dred ducats to the convent of S. Marco for it, and the receipt is preserved in the handwriting of the syndic. 1 1 For the latter see Marchese, ub. sup. II. 364. The advance is proved by the following: “Libro de Stanziamenti de’ Si gnori e collegi dal 1513 al 1521. 125. Die 10 Junii 1513. Item stantiarono che el camarlingo del monte che enterrh in uficio a di primo di luglio proximo futuro del presente anno dia e pagha a frati, capitulo e convento di Santo Marco di Firenze e per loro al loro.. Sin- dicho e procuratore fiorini cento larghi d’oro in oro; sono per parte dipintura d’una tavola d’altare che si fa e lavora per frate Barto lommeo dipintore, frate in dicto convento, secondo l’allogazione factagli sotto di 26 di Novembre 1510 da nostri magnifici et excelsi Signori, rogata per Ser Agnolo di Ser Alexandro Cascesi loro notajo. E la quale tavola finita sara, si metterii in quello loco pubblico dove sara giudicato da nostri ex celsi Signori e savi e amorevoli cictadini de la nostra citta. E per fare piu facile dicto pagamento si comanda al dicto camarlingo del monte che dicti danari paghi del mese d’Ottobre proximo futuro del presente e non prima, in tntto tior. cento. Tulit frater Jeronimus Andrse de Ginis Sindicus et procurator, ut dixit, manu Ser Filippi Cionis