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35G THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Chap. X. “cartellino” on the right hand foreground bears the words: “Magister Franciscus T . 1 us pinxit M.D.XXV. L.” If it could be supposed that in Francesco's shop the Ado ration was carried out with the help of assistants, it might be inferred that he in person executed the frescos of S. Maria la Nuova at Naples. Yet, it may be also that Francesco is but the pupil or aid of the author of the frescos, who proves himself by his work to be of Umbrian origin. 1 But the altarpiece at Liveri is not solitary. Another in the same church is devoted to the Virgin, child, angels, and saints, with a crucified Redeemer be tween the Virgin and Evangelist in a lunette, and eight incidents from the life of S. Barbara in a predella. On a “cartello" at the foot of the central panel are the words: “Dspum a franc 0 Tollentinate factu posuit simu lacrum ab rmanato Deo 1530.” 2 A second is a Virgin and child between two saints, with the Resurrection in a lunette, and apostles in a predella, on the pilasters of which is the inscription: “Jacopo Pastore de Montefus- culo pinxit, aiio dm M.CCCCCXLIIII.” 3 A third, in the same shape, is devoted to SS. Zachariah and Elizabeth, between SS. John the Baptist and James of Compostella, with an Annunciation in a lunette, and three scenes in a predella. 4 In the two latter the style is a coarse deriva tion from that of Francesco of Tolentino, but taking its rise at an Umbrian source, and of a class in which Gio- 1 The second and third king are similar in appearance and move ment to those in the Naples fresco. The colour is flat, brown red, and of a hard thin texture. The lights and shadows are hatched, and be tray want of practise in handling oil inedinm. The outlines are black. The drawing is poorer, however, than at S. M. la Nuova. In the border medallions are the Messiah between SS. Guarinus and Peter, Paul and Bernard. 2 This altarpiece is in a great measure repainted. In the central panel, the infant Christ takes cherries from the young Baptist; and two angels hang the crown over the Virgin’s head. At the sides are SS. Anthony the abbot and Barbara. 3 The Resurrection is greatly damaged. The saints at the Vir gin’s sides are Benedict and Jerom. 4 The predella, which is almost gone, represents the Nativity, Resurrection, and Adoration of the Magi.