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Chap. VII. PIETRO PEEUGINO. 249 was the fresco of which the Gotha engraving’ was a copy? Was it the original at S. Onofrio which some Peruginesques repainted at a later period under orders from Perugino to whom the commission had been entrusted? (Vasari mentions the existence of .a dead Christ between the Virgin and Evangelist, in S. Piero Maggiore, VI. 39. Borghini states in his lliposo II. note to p. 151, that it had come in his time into the cappella Medici. The annotators, Vasari VI. 39, tell us that it is now in the Palazzo Albizzi in Borgo degli Albizzi at Florence.) Home. Palazzo Sciarra. No. 26, wood, oil, life size. S. Sebas tian at the pillar in front of an arcade through which a landscape is seen. On the basement one reads: “Sagitte tue infixe sunt michi”. A genuine Perugino. Rome. Palazzo Colonna. Wood, oil. S. Jerom penitent, in a land scape, much injured, attributed by V'ermiglioli (Vita di Pinturiccliio, p. 113) to Pinturicchio, is painted in Perugino’s manner, but may be due to Spagna. Rome. Galleria Doria. Room 2. No. 80. S. Sebastian at the pillar (half life size), named Perugino, is a fine panel by Marco Basaiti. Rome. Galleria Borghese. No. 34. Virgin with the child erect on her knee, wood, oil, named Perugino. The hard execution and glassy colour might prove it to be by Gio. Battista Bertucci of Faenza. Rome. Gallery of pictures at the Capitol. No. 78, wood, oil. Vir gin and child in a niche, between SS. John Baptist, Paul and Peter, and Andrew, John Evangelist, and Francis (under life size). This is not by Perugino, but reminds one of the painters of Bologna and the Marches, being a mixture of Cotignola and Francia. The three saints, the Baptist, Paul, and Peter, are by a different hand from the rest. A long inscription closes with the date of 1513. Rome. Gallery of pictures at the Capitol. No. 127. Called Peru gino. Round of the Virgin and child, feeble and red in tone, by a follower of Lorenzo di Credi. Bologna. Gallery. No. 197. Originally in the Cappella Vizzani at S. Giovanni in Monte (Vas. VI. 40. Orsini; Vita ub. sup. 197). The Virgin in glory, wood, oil. The Virgin in a tender attitude holds the naked infant with graceful action. Her glory of cherubs’ heads is supported on clouds. She is attended by two angels in flight. SS. Michael, Catherine of Alexandria, Appollonia and John Evange list stand in devotion below. The S. Michael is a little slender and stiff, but has a good face. The movement of S. Catherine’s head is