240 TITE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Chap. VII. Jerom and Magdalen, the predella, are in S. Agostino; the Pieta in S. Pietro of Perugia; the SS. Sebastian and Irene in the Gallery of Grenoble. Of the second face, the Baptism, the Eternal, the predella, are in S. Agos tino ; the SS. Augustin and Philip in the Gallery of Tou louse; SS. James the less and his companion in the Mu seum of Lyons. Two of the four prophets are in the Perugia Gallery. The two others are probably those in the Gallery of Nantes. The four Evangelists are in S. Agostino, together with the angel and a copy of the Vir gin annunciate by Sanguinetti; the original of the Virgin, erroneously called S. Appollonia, in the Gallery of Stras- burg. None of the panels exhibit the earlier style of the master. The two principal ones of the Nativity and Bap tism are not wanting in grandeur of composition or de sign, but the flat colour and its feeble rounding recall the Virgin of Mercy of 1512 at Bettona; and they might bo assigned to that time, were not uncertainty created by their restored condition. 1 The remainder, with the ex ception of the predella and the four Evangelists, are similar to each other; they have all a powerful tone, and are drawn with little of the looseness apparent at Spcllo or Trevi. They recall the period when Peru- gino laboured in the Compagnia della Stella at Citta della Pieve. The Pieta is remarkable for the bright trans parence of its colour, as well as for the mastery with which the outlines are given with the brush at the last. The Saviour sits on the edge of the tomb; his body sup ported by Joseph of Arimathea, his arms by the kneeling 1 The Nativity which, since the text was written, has been num bered No. 23 in the gallery of Pe rugia, is a little feeble and pallid in tone, the white gesso being seen through the flesh tints. The Virgin and S. Joseph kneel at each side of the infant who lies on the ground. Two angels fly in the up per part of the pent house. In the distance, the angel appears to the shepherds. The figures are life size, in oil, on panel. The sky is in part repainted. The Baptism is of the same character and size as the Nati vity, hut has slender figures, and is much restored. An angel is at each side of the principal group in a landscape. In the sky is the dove of the Holy, Ghost between two seraphs. The blue sky is re touched, No. 41 in the Perugia gallery.