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Chap. VI. BONFIGLI. 147 might place in the same class a picture in the Academy of Perugia, of the Virgin enthroned in front of a marble screen overtopped by angels, in a court in which saints attend at each side. A part of the surface on the right of the picture is abraded and leaves but a trace of the figures there, but the angels in prayer are amongst the most graceful by Bonfigli. 1 The Virgin of Mercy in the church of the Commenda is a wallpainting repeating a well known and common composition. 2 It may share attention with other pieces by the master in the sacristy of S. Francesco, 3 in the Con- fraternita della Giustizia, 4 in the Academy, 5 and in the Carmine of Perugia. The latter, hanging high up in the choir, seems originally to have been a church standard. 3 The Virgin adores the infant on her lap, and is surrounded by kneeling people, a king, a pope, and others. A mild meditativeness, similar to that which finds expression in Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and Perugino, already animates the Madonna. Outside Perugia, a chapel in S. Antonio Abate of Diruta remains to be noticed, in which a Virgin of Mercy, in the usual fashion, forms the orna ment of one side, and four evangelists are distributed in the ceiling. The style is hard to criticize with precision, because much injury has been done by time and neglect. 1 No. 14. Gallery of Perugia. The figures are under the size of life. To the left are S. Thomas and S. Jerom, with his lion. The angels have the same crests of flowers on their heads as those in Bonfigli’s picture of the annuncia tion in possession of Signor Ber- telli. 2 The figures under the cloak kneel at each side, holding be tween them the names of a frater nity. The Eternal casts his arrows from above, the whole much in jured. 3 But now Nos. 187. 189, Peru gia gallery They are two sup ports to a lunette by Fiorenzo di Lorenzo. In these supports are four angels, two at each side, hol ding the emblems of the passion, all much damaged, and two of them mutilated. 4 Now Nos. 185. 190, Perugia gallery. Two panels in each of which two angels, half the size of life, hold baskets of roses. The colour is in part scaled. 5 Perugia gallery, Nos. 186.191. Four angels kneeling and bearing emblems of the passion, seem com panions to those of old, in the sa cristy of S. Francesco, being of si milar size. 6 It is a mutilated canvass.