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Ciiap. V. FRANCESCO M GENTILE. 107 Berlin Gallery. Six subjects in one frame (No. 1058) “School of ■ Gentile”, in the style of Antonio da Murano. Munich Gallery. No. 551. Cabinets. An assumption falsely cata logued under Gentile’s name. (See antea Naddus Ceceharelli Vol, II. p. 99.) Paris — Mr. 0. Mundler. A small panel originally at Milan re presenting the Virgin and the infant erect on her knee with a kneeling patron supposed to be Lionel d’Este. This is a graceful (partially retouched) picture, with little figures in a landscape dis tance, and quite in Gentile’s character. Bari— S. Agostino. Here is a crucifix, of which Vasari speaks, 1 not seen by the authors, but described by Schulz, 2 London — Lord Taunton. A panel in tempera representing a naval episode (a king in his galley, and a convoy of ships, with a friar in a grotto, and four persons with a dog on the land to the right) bears the name of Gentile da Fabriano. But the manner is that of Fra Giovanni Angelico, the drawing, action, types, drapery being like those of his school. A heavy varnish dims the surface and leaves a doubt as to the authorship by the Fra, or by Gozzoli, or perhaps by Pesellino. Liverpool Institution. No. 13. A saint on a throne between four others. This picture is Umbrian and shows the influence of the Siennese Taddeo di Bartolo, but is by one bred in the school of Gentile da Fabriano, and besides (as we have reason to judge from a recent visit) is injured by time and old restoring. Corshum Court — Methuen Gallery. Adoration of the Magi. (Waa- gen treasures, supp. 397.) Paris — Hotel Cluny. A panel in this collection assigned to Gen tile and dated 1408, is by Lorenzo Monaco. See antea Vol. I. p. 552. A follower, some say the son, of Gentile, belongs to this period. He calls himself “Franeiscus Gentilis”; and we are acquainted with three panels on which this name is inscribed. One is in the Museum of the Vatican, 3 another in Fermo; 4 a third belongs to Mr. 1 IV. 154. 2 Denkmaler, ub. sup. Vol. Ill, p. 174. 3 Press X. Virgin and child sign ed: “Franeiscus Gentilis” with the monogram: If. The types are re pulsive, the tempera dark and dim (the Virgin’s blue mantle new). 4 In the house of the advocate Deminici. Subject,—the Salutation, with the infants on the dresses of the figures; the Saviour already in benediction. This is a picture de void of all feeling; colour stippled as in Crivelli; draperies broken and angular, inscribed: “Francis- cus Getilis de Fabriano” (panel).