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94 THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Chap. IV. of the Spedaletto of Gubbio; 1 and shares the mediocrity of Domenico di Cecco di Baldi. 2 A little later, Ber nardino di Nanni fills a gap in Gubbian annals, but is ill-represented by injured or renewed fragments in a chapel below the Portico del Mercato, and in the old Pa lazzo Municipale, at S. Croce, S. Maria Nuova, and S. Secondo. 3 * These are all hut gone. There remain two angels, a S. Thomas holding the girdle, a chalice and pax, and four or five apostles in prayer to the right. An inscription was legible in past years as fol lows: “hoc opus fecit fieri francis .... Rectore umil .... Jioai Pi- talis 1438. die quarto Junii.” It is reduced to a few words only (see Buonfatti, ub. sup. p. 15). The ty pes are poor and repulsive, the colour of the fragments reddish, and the handling evidently rude. Besides this subject there are re mains of a Massacre of the Inno cents, and an alms-giving scene. Similarly executed are pieces of wall-painting, parts of a Crucifi xion and an Annunciation in S. Maria Nuova at Gubbio. 2 The articles of apprenticeship of this painter to Ottaviano, dated 1441, are preserved in Buonfatti, ub. sup. p. 27. APieth of 1446 in S. Maria della Piaggiola, a Virgin and saints in S. Donato, are poor remnants of his manner. A Virgin and child in S. Lucia of Gubbio is of an earlier time and has been noted in the Umbrian school (see antea Vol. II). Domenico died in 1488. (Buonfatti, ub. sup. p. 15.) 3 He was heir to Domenico di Cecco (1488). In the chapel below the Portico del Mercato, a Virgin and child between SS. Peter and Paul has been so repainted that the head of the latter saint alone preserves its old character. The defects are very much those of Ot taviano at Foligno, the execution is rude, the forms are wooden, and the colour is bricky. On a scroll held by an angel, an inscription closes with the date of 1473. A standard in oil belonging to the company of S. Croce, at Gub bio, is assigned to him. It repre sents S. Ubaldo and S. Peter Mar tyr at each side of a cross, above which are angels, and S. M. Mag dalen at foot, whilst the members of the company arc in the fore ground at each side. This is a work of the sixteenth century, Umbrian in character and reminiscent of the manner of Sinibaldo Ibi, who was at Gubbio in 1509. It may be by Orlandi who assisted Ibi in Gubbio in that year, and who is recorded at that time in a register of the administration of the brotherhood of S. M. di Laici (notices of Signor Buonfatti, and see postea Ibi and Orlando.) The Virgin and child on an altar to the left of the entrance to S. Secondo is different from the other works assigned to Bernardino, the style, of the fifteenth century, with broken draperies. A Virgin and child to the right of Ottaviano’s fresco in S. M. Nuova, in part da maged, resembles a work of Dome nico di Cecco. SS. Ubaldo and John the Baptist attending at the Virgin’s side, above the Porta maggiore of the Palazzo munici pale, are altogether repainted.