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O R D. I. G E N. I. FALCON. SPE. XIV. ROUGH LEGGED FALCON. PL 14. Falco Lagopus. Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 19, No. 33. This bird is in length near two feet: the bill is fbort and flender, of a pale blue colour, with the tip black: cere yellow: eyes likewife yellow: head grey; dalhed with brown: bread: yellowilh white; marked with oblong dark ftrokes : back and wing feathers orange brown, edged with white, and mixed with dark brown: quills dull black: tail orange brown; neatly banded with dull black : thighs pale orange; minutely barred with dark brown: legs feathered quite to the toes; which are very fmall and flender, and of a yellow colour. This was lhot in Suffolk, and is a male. One, which differed a little in its markings, was alfo fbot the year following, and is in the colleftion of Mr. Latham of Dartford. To this gentleman’s elegant colleftion I am greatly in debted for the drawings of many rare birds; and in particular for the free communication of his extenfive knowledge in this branch of natural hiftory.