( 3° ) O R D. I. GEN. I. FALCON. SPE. XII. PEREGRINE FALCON. PI. 12. Falco Peregrinus. Le Faucon Pelerin. Brif. Orn. I. p. 341. This bird is equal to the moor buzzard in fize. The bill is bluifh, ftrong, fhortj very much hooked, and armed near the end of the upper mandible with a fharp procefs: the cere and eyes are yellow: crown of the head, hind part of the neck, and round the fore part, and under the eyes, black: the upper parts of the body are of a deep blue grey colour; elegantly barred with black: the throat, and the part behind the eye, are white: the bread is a dull white: belly white; eroded with minute black ftrokes : the tail confifts of feathers equal in length, of a blue colour; finely barred with black; the legs are fhort and yellow: the toes are very long. This fpecies breeds in the north of England, feveral parts of Cumberland, and alfo in Wales; and has fometimes been trained to falconry. It feeds on various kinds of game.