ORD. I. GEN. I. FALCON. S P E. VIII. MOOR BUZZARD. PI. 8. Falco /Eruginofus. Lin. Syjl. I. p. 130. Le Buzard de Marais. Brtf. Orn. I. p. 401. This is a (lender made bird; in length twenty-one inches: weight of a male twenty ounces; of the female, fometimes as far as twenty-feven. The bill is black: cere and eyes yellow: general colour of the plumage, a chocolate brown : the head, in old males, is of a yellowilh buff colour ; which, in fome, extends likewife to the tips of the (houlders, and various parts of the neck. The females and young birds are of a rufty chocolate brown colour: the legs are very long, Gender, and yellow. This (pecies is common to moors, and marfhy places, and likewife heaths. Thefe birds do not foar like other hawks; but will fit for hours on a rail or pod, to watch their prey, which confifts of fmall quadrupeds, as young rabbits and water rats; and of water fowl. They are alfo faid to feed fometimes on fi(h. They make their nefts in a low buff, as well as in tufts of high grafs, or ruffes, and lay two or three eggs. For the egg, fee PI. HI. Fig. 1.