FALCON. SPE. III. RINGTAIL EAGLE. No. 3. Falco Fulvus. Lin. Syji. I. p. 125. L’Aigle. Brif. Orn. I. p. 419. This is about the fize of the lafl fpecies: the bill is dark horn colour: the cere yellow: eyes dark brown: the general colour of the plumage very dark brown, except the tail, the greateft part of which is white, with dark brown ends to the feathers: legs yellow, and feathered to the toes. This fpecies is frequent in Scotland j and builds its nefts in the clifts of the rocks: it preys on young deer, lambs, hares, and other game. It is rarely met with in England j but has been noticed, by Willughby, as breeding in Derby- lhire, in the woodlands, near the river Derwent. The neft was made of great flicks, one end refling on the edge of a rock, the others on two trees, and was flat, about two yards fquare; in it was a young eagle, almofl black, nearly the fize of a goofe, and an addled egg j by them was a lamb, a hare, and three heath poults. For the egg, fee PI. I. No. 1.