( I* ) ORD. III. GEN. X. GOOSE. SPE. V. BERNACLE. PI. 243. Anas crythropus (male). Lin. Syjl. I. p. 197. La Bernache. Brif. Orn. VI. p. 300. This goofe weighs five pounds. The bill is of a dark lead colour, and little more than an inch in length: the forehead, cheeks, and throat, are white: the back of the head, neck, and a fmall part of the bread, black: a dufky line, from the beak, erodes the eye: the back, and wings, blue grey, beautifully marbled with black feathers, having white ends: greater and lefs wing coverts, grey, black near the ends, and fringed with white: quills, rump, and tail, black: all the under part of the plumage, white: legs, dark lead colour. The bernacle vifits the fea-coafts of this kingdom in large flocks about the beginning of O&ober, and remains with us till late in the fpring; chiefly in the northern and weftern parts, however, being fcarce in the fouthern. It is common likewife in America. On fome parts of the Continent it bears the name of Scottilh goofe: and with us fome call it the fea turkey, from its bearing a refemblance to the turkey in the mottling and fringing of the fea thers on the back.