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< 66 ) ORD. III. GEN. XII. PELICAN. Bill, flraight, the point hooked. Nostrils, fituate in a longitudinal furrow, near the middle of the bill. Face, modly naked. Gullet, naked, capable of great didention. Toes, four, webbed together, SPECIES I, CORVORANT. PI. 265. ■ Pelecanus Carbo. Lin. Syji. I. p. 216. Le Cormoran. Brif. Orn. Vi. p. 5it. The male corvorant weighs near eight pounds. The bill is a pale yellow brown, near four inches long, the upper mandible hooked at the end : the (kin from the bafe of the bill to the eye bare of feathers:, the head, neck, and breaft, of a gloffy purple black : at the back of the head is a b.ulby kind of cred of the fame colour: a white patch on the throat nearly under the eye: the back, and wings, brown glofled with purple: quill feathers, dull black : tail, round, and of a dark lead-colour: belly, and vent, black: on the thigh a patch of white: legs, Ihort, and black: the toes are webbed together, and Hand forward. The female has neither the cred, nor the fpot of white on the thigh, and is of a footy black-coloured plumage. The corvorant breeds on the high cliffs in the northern parts of thefe kingdoms, and lays fix or eight eggs. It is a great devourer of fifh, and fometimes vifits. frelh waters. In the autumn it quits its breeding haunts, and goes fouthwards to winter. The latter end of July, 1 793, a young one fettled on the vane of the church on Ludgate Hill, and was fliot in the prefence of a number of people: moll probably it was on its paffage to the mouth of the Thames for a winter refidence, and being tired, reded itfelf there. It is common for this bird to perch, and fometimes to build its ned on high trees, however awkward the feet may appear for that purpofe. In the north of Europe its Helh is eaten, both frefli and faded, and the young, when Ikinned, are faid to be as delicate as a turkey. The eggs, too, are eaten by fome, though they will not become hard by boiliug; and probably they are very good, for the Greenlanders, who prize train-oil as the greated luxury, refufe them, becaufe they fay they dink. The fkin, dreffed as leather, is very drong. For the egg fee PI. LVII.