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ORD. III. GEN. XI. DUCK. SPE. XVIII. PIN-TAILED DUCK. PI. 263. Anas acuta. Lin. Syjl. I. p. 202. Le Canard a longue queue. Brif. Orn. VI. p. 369. This bird weighs near a pound and three quarters. The neck is long and (lender: the bill is broad, of a blueifh colour j nail, black: eyes, dark brown: the feathers of the head, of a dark purple brown: on the fide of the neck, from the eye, is a long, broad line of white: throat, dark brown: fore part of the neck, and bread, white: back, grey, minutely marked with wavy lines of black and white: lefs wing coverts, dull orange colour: greater coverts, green (haded with black, edges white: quill feathers, part black, the red white: outer feathers of the tail, afh-coloured, the two middle ones black, pointed, and three inches longer than the others: belly, grey, marked with very fine lines of black on the Tides: vent, black : legs, lead coloured. The female is of a light brown colour, faintly mottled with black, and has a whitilh bar on the wing. The tail is long, and pointed, but without the two extremely long black feathers, which the male has. This is a common fpecies on the feafhores of Great Britain in the winter, and breeds in the northern parts of Europe and America.