C 16 ) O R D. III. G E N. XI. D U C K. SPE. XVI. GARGANEY. PI. 260. Anas querquedula. Lin. Syji. I. p. 203. La Sarcelle. BriJ. Orn. VI. p. 427. This bird is larger than the teal, weighing near a pound. Bill, dark lead colour: eyes, dark brown: crown of the head, purple brown: from the eye is a long white line, pointing to the back of the neck: throat, cheek, and neck, pale red purple, minutely fpotted with white: breaft, brown, marked with femicircular bars of black: belly, white: back, dark brown, with reddilh brown edges to the feathers: wing coverts, grey, tipped with white: quills, dull black: fcapulars, long, narrow, and white, beautifully ftriped with black and pale grey: tail, dull black: legs, lead colour: webs, black. The female is like the hen teal, but has not the green fpot in the wing: it has likewife a faint white mark from the eye, refembling that of the male. This is not a common fpecies, but is met with fometimes in the winter, ufing the fame haunts, and having the fame manners as the teal.