CONTENTS. viii CHAPTER V. Of the application of Columbus, through his brother Bartholo mew, to Henry the Seventh of England; the arrival of Bartho lomew at Hispaniola; and the meeting thereof the two bro thers in 1494. CHAPTER VI. Of the departure, in the absence of Columbus, of some of the malcontents for Spain; state of hostilities; bold exploit of Alonzo de Ojeda; Indian prisoners sent to Spain to be sold as slaves; the interposition of Isabella for them; and the suffer ings of the natives notwithstanding. CHAPTER VII. Of the arrival at Hispaniola of Juan Aguado as commissioner in 1495; the return of Columbus and Aguado to Spain in 1496; the favourable reception of Columbus by the sovereigns; and their promise to him of another armament. CHAPTER VIII. Of the discovery of North America by Sebastian Cabot. Expla nation of the difference between the legal year as used in Eng land before 1752, and the year as generally used in historical chronology. Under a license which issued in February of the legal year 1497, Cabot having discovered North America in June following, that June shewn to be in 1498, and the disco very therefore not in 1497 but in 1498. CHAPTER IX. Of the discovery of the continent of South America by Colum bus in 1498; and the treatment which he experienced after wards. CHAPTER X. Of the voyage of Americus Vespucius with Alonzo de Ojeda, and of other voyages from Spain along the coast of South America in 1499 and 1500.