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76 But now pours in the levelling broadsider, the powerful engine of Government, a Proclamation, to check the hopes and frustrate the plans of the association. Whoever concerned, out comes Sir Richard Bourke, the Governor of New South Wales, with a fierce denunciation of trespassers upon his lawful territory. Six weeks had passed since the application went forth that Port Phillip he placed under the wing of Hobart Town, and that time was sufficient for the news to be carried to the Sydney ruler. Wrathful at the interference of his subordinate Lieutenant at the Derwent, he issues forth the PROCLAMATION'. “ By His Excellency Major-General Sir Richard Bourke, K. C. B. commanding His Majesty’s forces, Captain-General and Governor-in- Chief of the Territory of New South Wales and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c. &c. “ Whereas it hath been represented to me that divers of His Ma jesty’s subjects have taken possession of lands of the Crown, within the limits of this Colony, under the pretence of a treaty, bargain, or contract, for the purchase thereof, with the aboriginal natives, now, therefore, I, the Governor, in virtue and in exercise of the power and authority in me vested, do hereby proclaim and notify to all His Ma jesty’s subjects and others, whom it may concern, that every such treaty, bargain and contract, with the aboriginal natives, as aforesaid, for the possession, title or claim, to any lands lying and being within the limits of the Government of the Colony of New South Wales, as the same are laid down and defined by His Majesty’s Commission, that is to say, from the Northern Cape, or extremity of the coast, called Cape York, in the latitude of 10 degrees 37 minutes south, to the southern extremity of the said territory of New South Wales, or Wilson’s Promontory, in the latitude of 39 degrees ^ min. south, and embracing all the country inland to the westward, as far as the 129th degree of east longitude, reckoning from the meridian of Greenwich, including all the islands adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, within the la titude aforesaid, and including also Norfolk Island, is void, as against the rights of the Crown ; and that all persons who shall he found in possession of any such lands as aforesaid, without the licence or au thority of His Majesty’s Government, for such purpose first had and obtained, will be considered as trespassers, and liable to he dealt with