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71 reigning Sovereign, William IV. had acknowleged the rights of the Maories of New Zealand, and had sent them a flag, as a token of their independant position. But there is this difference in the two cases ;— in the one we have 100,000 skilful warriors ; in the other, a few vagrant, forest tribes. But it is time that we present to the reader this extraordinary document, the most curious in the archives of Port Phillip story. “Know all persons, that we, three brothers Jagajaga, Jagajaga, Jagajaga, being the three principal chiefs, and also Cooloolock, Bun- garie, Yanyan, Moowhip, Monmarmalar, being the chiefs of a certain native tribe called Dutigallar, situate at and near Port Phillip, called by us, the above mentioned chiefs, Irausnoo and Geelong, being possessed of the tract of land hereinafter mentioned, for and in consi deration of 20 pair of blankets, 30 knives, 12 tomahawks, 10 looking glasses, 12 pair of scissors, 50 handkerchiefs, 12 red shirts, four flannel jackets, four suits of clothes, and 50 lbs of flour, delivered to us by John Batman, residing in Van Dieman’s Land, Esquire, but at present sojourning with us and our tribe, do, for ourselves, our heirs, and successors, give, grant enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Batman, his heirs and assigns, all that tract of country situate and being in the Bay of Port Phillip, known by the name of Indented Head, but called by us Geelong, extending across from Geelong har bour about due south, foi 10 miles, more or less to the head of Port Phillip, taking in the whole neck or tract of land containing about 100,000 acres, as the same hath been before the execution of these presents delineated and marked out by us, according to the custom of our tribe, by certain marks made upon the trees growing along the boundaries of the said tract of land, with all advantages belonging thereto, unto and to the use of the said John Batman, his heirs, said tract of land, and place thereon sheep and cattle, yielding and delivering to us and assigns, to the meaning and intent that the said John Batman, his heirs and assigns, may occupy and possess the same, and our heirs and successors the yearly rent or tribute of 50 pair of blankets, 50 knives, 50 tomahawks, 50 pair of scizzors, 50 looking-glasses, 20 suits of slops or clothing, and two tons of flour. In witness thereof we Jagajaga, Jagajaga, Jagajaga, the three principal chiefs, and also Cooloolock, Bungarie, Yanyan, Moowhip and Mon- marmalar the chiefs of the said tribe have hereunto affixed our seals to