68 mission to copy the precious document, saving that we were “ not to take too much of it.” We give it, therefore, to the public in its full integrity. “ Mr. Batemans men looked at him and thought he resembled a white man one of them whent up to him to examine him found two letters on his arm and saying W for William and B for Burges but never hit on William Buckly he never spoke till at last hearing the English tonge Pronounced so offten he hurst out and said W for William and B for buckly then they new that he was an Englishman then Mr. Bateman had him taken from thence and Clothed him and had him shaved and cleaned he could scarce walk in shoes for awhile he was asked what became of the other two he woud never tell but said they whent away and suposed they got killed he was asked how he had lived with the blacks so many years but would scarse say anything if any one woud ask him any Qoestions concirning himself and the blacks you must have question and answer boath one time he did say that he was for ten years that he did not know one day from another that they would not kill him some was for killing him and some not for killing him but he said the oldist blacks saved him then Mr. Bateman had a place made for him at the end of a small store that he might keep the blacks from robing him then what few settlers there was in the country the black whent About robing and killing the white People if they could come at them Priviately witch they did they killed two of Capt. Swanstons men the first two that was killed then what few settlers theire was subscribed and bought A horse sadle and bridle cost 60 guianes and going to give him 60 pounds a year for to ride amongst the balacks and tell them what the white People would do for them if they woud be quiet he said no that lie would sooner go back to them he said it was the white Peoples fault this latter part I heard Mr. Gillibrand say myself they thought he might go back to them then what mischeefe he coud do so some time after they sent him to Vandimansland from the blacks when buckley when he was first taken from the blacks he was a monster of a man stood 6 foot 3 inches in higlit and stout in Proportion Wm. Buckly if living his not far from my age.”