62 thence till he fell in with the Jigga Jigga tribe of natives, and then returned to the marsh or swamp near the present site of Melbourne, and joined his vessel which had waited for him at, or near to, Williams Town. “ Mr. Batman’s report of the country was such as to confirm the association in their determination to send over stock, and take posses sion of the country ; hut before doing so, it was deemed desirable that a more extended examination of the country should be made, and I undertook to accomplish it. To enable me to do so, I applied for a short leave of absence ; upon which being denied I resigned my appointment, and embarked and sailed from George Town about the 18th July, 1835. I landed on Indented Head, and joined the party Mr. Batman had left there to form an establishment, and to keep up a communication with the natives. I may here mention that William Buckley, who had resided 32 years with the natives, had joined the party a few days prior to my arrival, and we were indebted to him for the friendly feeling that was maintained with them. “ The last journey I made was for the express purpose of ascertain ing where the principal rivers discharged themselves into Port Phillip, with the view to determine the most eligible site for a permanent establishment. It was with no little surprise, on arriving at the place where Melbourne now stands, that I observed in the basin, just below where the Prince of Wales’ Bridge spans the Yarra Yarra with its noble a ch, a vessel quietly and securely moored. The sight was so unexpected that at the moment I fancied that I had come upon an unknown settlement; and it was with no little interest and anxiety that I advanced to introduce myself to the party in charge of the craft. It turned out to be a vessel (I believe the “ Enterprise”) belonging to Mr. Fawkner, which he had sent thither in charge of Mr. Lancey, to form an establishment, on the strength of Mr. Batman’s favourable report of the country. “ She had crept into the Port, and proceeded up the Yarra Yarra, unobserved either by the party left at Indented Head by Mr. Batman, or by the Tribe of Natives who were also encamped with them. The “ Enterprise” (if that was her name) was certainly the first vessel that had ever worked her way up to where th# Queen’s Wharf has since been built. It was on this occasion I gave the river the name of ‘ Yarra Yarra,’ from the following circumstance : On arriving in sight