40 their reclamation.”—“Being one of the few who entertained a strong confidence in the power of kindness.” Favours were now showered upon the men who brought to a success ful and peaceful conclusion this long and painful contention. Mr. Batman received returns for labour in a grant of 2000 acres. His ten Sydney guides each had a grant of 100 acres. Batman returned to his mountain farm. The Sydney natives remained with him, and acquired the elements of civilization in the pursuits of agriculture. For several years he lived with Mrs. Batman under the shade of snow capped Ben Lomond, and reared in Christian principles an interesting and numerous family. There are those now who speak with pleasure of the propriety, intelligence, and hospitality of their Tasmanian home. They were constant attendants upon the Wesleyan Ministry. As to his subsequent career, it is sufficient to say when he brought his family to Port Phillip in April, 1836, he resided in a house on Batman’s Hill, which was afterwards used as the first Treasury, and is now the refuge for sick immigrants. He was long and grievously afflicted ; though the energy of his powerful mind was apparently undiminished by his sufferings. His daughter Maria was his faithful and tender nurse, until death came on Monday, May 6th, 1839. His remains were interred near the entrance of the old cemetery. The “ Port Phillip Gazette ” of May 8th, thus records the cause of his decease : “ A violent cold, working on mercury previously dormant in his physical system, hurried him to a premature death.” His executors were Captain Lonsdale late Colonial Secretary, and James Simpson, Esq,, J. P. BATMAN’S VISIT TO PORT PHILLIP. Mr. Baiman as we have before stated, was an applicant with Mr. Gellibrand in 1827 for permission to settle upon our territory. Though disappointed, the idea was not abandoned. Our founder had frequent conversations with the Governor at Hobart Town upon the project. Colonel Arthur was a man of intelligent views and bold counsels. He warmly approved of the undertaking, and considered Batman the right man to establish such a settlement. The time was now opportune. Everything favored. The island was in a political ferment. Public meetings were called to expose grievances, and criminal prosecutions for libel were common. The agitation was increased by the absurd A /