CONTENTS PAGE Chapter I Discovery of Port Phillip 1 Chapter II First Settlement of Port Phillip 9 Chapter III.—Abandonment of the Colony of Port Phillip 15 Chapter IV Further discoveries in the Country. Hume and Hovell’s Overland Trip 21 Settlement of Western Port 23 Captain Sturt on the Murray 24 Major Mitchell’s Australia Felix 28 Chapter V The Successful Settlement of Port Phillip 83 Batman and Gellibrand’s Application 34 Settlement of Portland Bay. 36 Life of Batman 36 Batman’s visit to Port Phillip ■ 40 Fawkner’s Yarra Settlement 51 Mr. Wedge’s Narrative 60 William - Buckley 33 The Association and Government 69 Chapter VI.—Progress of,tl^g Settlement 83 . Flocks and Flock-masters 84 Government; Stewart, Simpson, Lonsdale, Latrobe 87 The Land and Land Sales 91 Law, Police and Post Ill Commerce, Trade and Shipping 113 Melbourne and Geelong. 117 Hotels and Licences 120 Amusements 123 Rise and Progress of the Port Phillip Press 124 Religion in Port Phillip 13 2