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126 On the second page we read,—“ Wanted by the Commercial World at Williams Town and Melbourne about 40 beacons, good Tea Tree stakes would answer, to mark the channel for the outer anchorage to this Town whoever will perform this service shall be entitled to public thanks.” The only local is as follows ;—“ Report has reached Mel bourne that Cammerfield the Murderer who was sent from Sydney to point out where seven men were said to be murdered has killed the Two Constables and one of the Soldiers who had him in charge & is now at large in the Bush well mounted and armed. A party of Vo lunteers we learn are gone in pursuit.” After the issue of nine weekly manuscript numbers of the “ Adver tiser,” a small parcel of refuse type arrived from Launceston for the enterprising Editor. But where was the printer ? “ A Van Demonian youth of eighteen” who had some seven years before spent twelve months at the mystic art, was the honoured individual who first used the composing stick in Port Phillip. How this venerable Faustus performed his task, and did his own Devil, will be better understood by the reader of the accompanying fac simile which we are enabled to furnish through the kindness of R. W. Wrede, Esq. of Boroondara. The first printed number of the Melbourne Advertiser, Port Phillip, Australia, contains several advertisements of Mr. Fawk- ner’s, one of Mr. Batman’s store, &c. The Sandridge people will be interested in the following advertise ment. “ The Undersigned begs to inform the public, that he has a boat and two Men in readiness for the purpose of crossing & recrossing passen gers between William’s Town and the opposite beach. Parties from Melbourne are requested to raise a smoke, and the Boat will be at their service as soon as practicable, the least charge is five shillings and two shillings each when the number exceeds two.’> H. McLean. The Leader is thus headed : WE AIM TO LEAD NOT DRIVE. “ It is not our intention to make many professions—‘but it is now, and shall continue to be our constant study, to advance the interests of the Port Phillipians, to advocate their cause at all times with the powers that be, But not in the MOOD IMPERATIVE, we will point out our wants and as far as possible describe the easiest and best manner