No 1 Written for and published by John P. Fawkner January The 1st Monday 1838 Melbourne Vol 1st % We do opine that Melbourne cannot reasonably remain longer marked on the Chart of advancing civilization without its Advertiser Such being our imperial Fiat We do intend therefore by means of this our Advertizer to throw the resplendent light of Publicity upon all the affairs of this New Colony, Whether of Commerce, of Agriculture, or of the arts and Mysteries of the Grazier, All these patent roads to wealth are thrown open to the adventurous Port Phillipians All those sources of riches are about to (or already are) become accessible to each adven turous Colonist of NOUS The fu ture fortunes of the rising Mebur- nians will be much accelerated by the dessemination of intelligence consequent upon the Press being thrown- open here But until the arrival of the printing Materials we will by means of the Humble pen diffuse such intelligence as may be found expedient or as may arise . . . The energies of the present popu lation of this rapidly rising district have never been exceeded in any of the Colonies of Britain Its giant like strides have filled with astonishment the minds of all the neighbouring states, The Sons of Britain languish when de barred the use of that mighty Engine the Press, A very small degree of Support timely afforded will establish a Newspaper here, but until some further arrange ments are made it will be merely an advertising sheet and will be given away to Householders The majority of advertisements have, of course, reference to the proprietor of the ‘ Advertiser,’ The patriarchal Blacksmith has this significant addition to his notice ;— A. Extra charge for credit. Mr. Rucker has a long catalogue of articles on sale. Mr. Fawkner’s celebrated notice of a library is the following : Launceston Prices for Cash The first Established Hotel in Melbourne “ Fawkner’s Hotel being in possession of a large and Well Selected Library of English & Colonial papers to a late date Offers at once Mentel and Bodily refreshment unrivalled in this quarter of the globe Lodgers allowed the use of the Library Gratis, There are 7 English & 5 Colonial weekly papers & 7 monthly & 3 Quarterly Reviews from Britain.”