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101 Flinders, Collins, Queen, and William streets; 5, between Flinders, Collins, Elizabeth and Swanston streets ; 19, between Bourke, Lons dale, William and Queen streets; 20, between Bourke, Lonsdale, Queen and Elizabeth streets ; 21, between Bourke, Lonsdale, Eliza beth and Swanston streets. The corner lots of each block are 1, 8, 11, 18 ; and the corners of the lanes are 9, 10, 19, 20. Lot number 1, bought by Mr. Fawkner, was the eastern corner of Flinders and King streets. Mr. Batman had the two corners of Collins, Flinders, and William streets. The corner of Flinders and Elizabeth streets cost Dr. Thomson £46 ; and that of Flinders and Queen streets cost Alderman Hodgson ,£90. Dr. Cotter bought the south west corner of Bourke and Swanston streets for £30, which has since been resold at £200 a foot frontage. The half acre on which the Union Bank, &c. stand, was purchased for £42 ; and the Criterion allotment, £19. Cashmore’s corner in Elizabeth street fetched £32 ; and the Duke of Clarence lot, £50 ; Nicholson and Clarke’s corner of Collins street, £45 ; and that opposite the Post Office, £28. Bear’s corner was £40 ; the New South Wales Bank corner, £95 ; the north Western corner of Elizabeth and Bourke streets, £50 ; and that oppo site to the “ Bull and Mouth,” Bourke street, £40. The corner opposite to Hocking’s Hotel cost £40 ; that of Harker’s stores, Eli zabeth street, £36 ; and Walter Powell’s corner, £60. Batman bought the half acre opposite the Victoria Bank for £59; and the Rev. J. Clow got the two south western acres of Swanston and Lons dale streets for £162. Mr. Hodgson forfeited the lot on which the old Council Chamber was built as being too dear at £54 ; and relinquished his deposit of £2 2s. upon the half acre in Collins street, next to Elizabeth street corner, rather than pay the enormous balance of £19 18s. upon this hopeless speculation. The first sale of Suburban land was held at Sydney, February 13th 1838, and the purchasers were almost wholly Sydney people. The blocks were about 25 acres each in the parish of Jika Jika, in cluding that portion of it known now as Collingwood, and averaged £7 an acre. The first lot, 48, of 25 acres, is that at the corner of Carlton Gardens and Victoria Parade; it was bought by a Sydney firm at £6 10s. an acre, though now worth thousands per acre. The river frontage lot only realized then £18 an acre.