2 Account of a late Voyage of Discovery He therefore selected D. Dionisius Alcala Galiano and D. Alexander Belmonte, lieutenants in the navy, who, without in the least excusing themselves from this. strict performance of the ordinary duty of the ship, took the charge of all observa tions, astronomical and geographical; as also of the marine watches or time-pieces, and other instruments which were put on-board, as requisite for the due performance of the ex pedition. Of this charge they acquitted themselves, to the entire satis faction of the commander: and the following account of the voyage, together with the directions and instructions for navi gating the Strait of Magellan, entirely drawn-up by these officers, is almost wholly compiled from their journals, formed and kept with the greatest skill and attention, and well deserv ing to be used as models for other voyages of a similar nature. D. Antonio de Cordova also appointed D. Joachin Camacho to be his chief pilot, or master ; and to him entrusted the opera tions necessary for taking separate draughts of the harbours, bays, a.,J roads of the strait, and which we can affirm to have been executed with all the care and precision to be expected from the eminent knowledge and experience of that officer. The following List shows the exact state of the whole officers and crew of the frigate, as she sailed from Cadiz : Commandant. Don Antonio do Cordova. •Second. Don Ferdinand de Miera. Lieutenants. As the Season was now far advanced for the nature of this voyage, (nth Sept.) no time was lost in getting ready the frigate j so that, on the 27 th of the same month, she came out