38 excellent discipline ; chastisement quickly follows the least offence, and a fire stick is not unfrequently the instrument of correction. The wealth of the men may he said to consist in the number of their wives, for their chief employment is in procuring food for their lords. On one occasion I was witness to a scene that afforded me some amusement, although it was no fun to the poor women concerned. My attention was attracted by the outcry of the women who were receiving chastisement from their husband (Murradonnanuke) who was punishing them by throwing fire sticks at them in the most furious manner. On enquiry, I learnt that the cause of offence arose from the poor creatures not having brought home that evening a quantity of provisions sufficient to satisfy his insatiable appetite. In the regulations which prevail respecting their wives, they have one which seems to have some connection with, or similar to the Mosaic law. On the death of the husband his wives became the property of the eldest of his brothers or his next of kin. The men are jealous of their wives, and should any intrigue be discovered it would probably lead to the death of one or both of the offending parties ; although, if the husband receives what he considers to be an adequate compensation, he is accommodating to his friend. I do not believe infidelity is frequent among the women, unless sanctioned by the husband. During the whole time I was among them, I never observed any advances or levity of conduct on their part, although it is not at all improbable that they are restrained by fear of consequences should they be detected. In bestowing daughters for wives, they are frequently promised as soon as they are born, and on these occasions the parents receive presents of food, opossum and kangaroo rugs, clubs, spears, &c., from the person to whom she is betrothed, and this arrangement is considered to be binding, although it sometimes happens that these promises are broken by the parents, especially when the man who has received the promise belongs to another and distant tribe. When this occurs, it creates a feeling of enmity and it is not unfrequently taken up by the whole tribe, who make common cause with the aggrieved party. If they once determine on being revenged, they never lose sight of their object till they have satisfied themselves by a general conflict with the tribe to