IX CONI KM 8, CHAPTER V. «0*TtS BBTOXTS MEXICO—RETIRES TO HIS ESTATES—HIS VOYAGES. OF DISCOVERT — FINAL RETURN TO CASTILE—COLD RECEPTION—DEATH OF CORTES—HIS CHARACTER. Cortes embarks for Mexico—Stops at Hispaniola—Proceedings of the Audience—Cortes Lands at Villa Rica—Reception in Mexico—Retires to his Estates—His Improve ment of them—His Voyages of Discovery—He Embarks for California—Disastrous Expedition—Arrival of a Viceroy—Policy of the Crown—Maritime Enterprises or Oort€s—His Disgust with Mendoza—His Pinal Return to Castile—He joins the Expedition to Algiers—His cold Reception by Charles V.—Corfcds’ last letter to the Emperor—Taken ill at Seville-—His Will—Scruples of Conscience as to Slavery —Views entertained on this Tonic—He moves to Castilleja—Death of Cortes—Hfs Funeral Obsequies—Fate of his Remains—Posterity of Cortes—His Character—His Knight-errantry—His military Genius—Power over his Soldiers—Character as a Conqueror—His Enlightened Views—His Private Life—His Bigotry—His Manners and Habit* ... 44# APPENDIX. PART I. ORIGIN OF THE MEXICAN CIVILISATION—ANALOGIES WITH THE OLD WORLD. Preliminary Notice—Speculations on the Now World—Manner of its Population— Plato’s Atlantis—Modern Theory- Communication with the Old World—Origin of American Civilisation—Plan of the Essay—Analogies suggested by the Mexicans to the Old World—Their Traditions of the Deluge—Resemble the Hebrew Accounts—Temple of Cholula—Analogy to the Tower of Babel—The Mexican Eve—The God Quetzalcoatl—Natural Errors of the Missionaries —The Cross in Anahuac -Eucharist and Baptism—Choniclers strive for Coincidences—Argument drawn from these- Resemblance of Social Usages -Analogies from Science— Chronological System—Hieroglyphics and Symbols—Adjustment of Time—Affini ties of Language—Difficulties of Comparison—Traditions of Migration—Testa of their Truth—Physical Analogies—Architectural Remains—Destructive Spirit of the Spaniards—Ruins in Chiapa and Yucatan—Works of Art—Tools for Building Little Resemblance to Egyptian Art—Sculpture—Hieroglyphics—Probable Age «f these Monuments—Their Probable Architects—Difficulties in Forming a Con clusion-Ignorance of Iron and of Milk—Unsatisfactory Explanations—General Conclusions 401 PART II. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Mother’s Advice to her Daughter—Extracts from the Fifth Letter of Corfcds— Aoeoaut of his Funeral Obsequies .474