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CONTENTS six BOOK VIL •OTWUISIOir—SUBSEQUENT CAREER 01 CORIES. CHAPTER L *OHTT0KE OF GUATKMOZIN—SUBMISSION OF THE COUNTRY—REBUILDING OF THE CAPITAL —MISSION TO CASTILE—COMPLAINTS AGAINST CORTftS—HE IS CONFIRMED IN BIS AUTHORITY. ?*#• Small Amount of Treasure—Disappointment of the Soldiers—Torture of Guatcmozin —His Fortitude unshaken—Submission of the Country—The Southern Ocean reached—Rebuilding of the Capital—Aztec Prophecy accomplished—Mission to Castile—Envoys captured by the French—Charges against Cortes—Tapia sent to New Spain—Insurrection of the Natives—Quelled by Sandoval—Fonseca’s Hostility to Cortes—His Cause referred to a Select Tribunal—Accusations against Cort«Ss— Defence by his Friends—Acts of Cortes ratified—He is confirmed in the Supreme Authority—He triumphs over Fonseca—Mortification of Velasquez—His Death and Character 411 CHAPTER II. MODERN MEXICO—SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTRY—CONDITION OF THE NATIVES—CHRIS TIAN MISSIONARIES—CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL—VOYAGES AND EXPEDITIONS. Mexico Rebuilt—Edifices in the City—Its Fortress—Its Population—Settlement of the Country—Encouragements to Marriage—The Wife of Cortes arrives in Mexico— Her Death—Systom of Repartimientos—Reward of the Tlascalans—Treatment of the NAt/.ves—Franciscan Missionaries—Their Reception by Cortes—Progress of Conversion—Settlements of the Conquerors—Cultivation of the Soil—Fleet burnt at Zacatula—Voyages to Discover a Strait—Expedition of Alvarado—Result of the Enterprises of Cortes 410 CHAPTER IIL DEFECTION OF OLID—DREADFUL MARCH TO HONDURAS—EXECUTION OF OUATEKOSIX— DONA MARINA—ARRIVAL AT HONDURAS. Defection of Olid—Cortes prepares to visit Honduras—The General’s Retinue—Ob stacles on the March—Passes near Palenque—Lost in the Mazes of the Forests— .Builds a stupendous Bridge—Horses sink in the Marshes—Reports of a Con spiracy—Guatemozin arrested—His Execution—His Character—Feelings of the Army—Cause of the Execution—Cortes’ Remorse—Prosecution of the March— Lake of Peten—Dona Marina—Her Meeting with her Mother—She Marries a Castilian Knight—Her Son Don Martin—Missionaries in the Isles of Peten—Pas sage of “ the Mountain of Flints ”—Army arrives at Honduras—Famine in the Colony—Cortds reaches Truxillo—Prepares to reduce Nicaragua—His Romantic Daring—Tidings from Mexico CHAPTER IV. DISTURBANCES IN MEXICO—RETURN OF CORTES—DISTRUST OF THE COURT—CORTft* RETURNS TO SPAIN—DEATH OF SANDOVAL—BRILLIANT RECEPTION OF COBTftS— HONOURS CONFERRED ON HIM. Misrule in Mexico—Cortes attempts to Return—Driven back by the Tempest—His Despondency—Embarks once more for Mexico—Lands near San Juan ae Ulua— Progress to the Capital—Cortes re-enters Mexico in State—Distrust of the Crown —Ponce de Leon sent as Commissioner—He Dies on his Arrival—Appoints Estrada his Successor— Affronts to Cortes—He leaves the City—The Commission of the Royal Audience—Cortes determines to Return to Spain—News of his Father's Death—Preparations for Departure—He lands at Palos—His Meeting with Pizarro —Death of Sandoval—His Person and Character—Brilliant Reception of Cortes— Sensation caused by his Presence—Admitted to an Audience by the Emperor— Charles V. visits him when ill—He is made Marquess of the Valley—Grants ol Lands and Vassals—Refused the Government of Mexico—Reinstated in his Military Command—Cortes’ Second Marriage—Splendid Presents to his Brido—His Resi dence at Court .... ......... ££