35 village, behind side the on the licli you a before :re pro- I in the ek, and r south, r week, saddle lg. A re only ch, and a walk le tastej •incipal ' which 3i- sale, ontains ter, as SAN JOSE AND VICINITY. Carbonate of Lime, HO Carbonate of Magnesia 60.4 ISi-cavbonate of Soda, H8.6 Chloride of Soda, . 20.2 Carbonate of Iron, 2.4 Sulphate of Lime, * 0.4 Silica 4.5 grains. A little lemon syrup added to a glass of it makes a delightful beverage. The Reduction Works Should next be inspected. It may seem to be begin ning at the wrong end, to examine the disposition of the ore before you see from whence it comes ; but it is the wisest way, for when you come down from the mine you will be somewhat fatigued, and will be apt to omit this interesting feature, or go over it hurriedly. A person from the hotel will accompany you. Only one caution, i.e., take off your gold rings, else in play ing in the kettles of quicksilver they will receive a silvery coating, which can only be got off by heating or wear. The process of extracting quicksilver from cinnabar is very simple. The ore is crushed and placed in an ore chamber, which is securely covered; a fire is then built under it and the quicksilver “ sub limes,” and passes off in vapor through a long zig-zag passage, and over a cistern of cold water which serves to condense and precipitate the liquid metal. The vapor thence is carried up a long inclined flue, built for that purpose on the side of the mountain. By this