SAN JOSE AND VICINITY. 23 location. The enclosure comprises about twenty-five acres, including the Jewish cemetery adjoining, of which about one third embraces a side hill. It is laid out into drives and walks, many of which are still to be properly improved. It contains some very fine monuments and very pretty lots. The sexton, Mr. Gladewitz, is always present and willing to show the stranger all of the sights, and to give all desired information in regard to the grounds and occupants. Market Plaza, Is situated on Market street, and extends from San Fernando to San Carlos. It is the prettiest park in the city, but its surroundings are not altogether as pleasant as might be. This was the “ Plaza ” of old Spanish San Jose. Here were the Bull fights and Cock fights, and here on the feast days established by the Church the “Caballeros” performed their feats of horsemanship, practised their game of trying to seize the head of a rooster buried in the sand while riding by on a running horse, and baited the maddened bull or bear to the admiration of the dark senoritas in the porches of the surrounding “ adobes. ” But now un der the hand of “ Los Americanos” it presents quite a different scene. It has been graded and fenced. A fine macadamized drive surrounds it, and the enclos ure is already a small forest of trees from many a dis tant clime. The surrounding “ adobes ” have in many cases given place to the more modern residences;