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18 HARE'S GUIDE TO week, excepting Sundays. This tract contains 140 acres, and is bounded on the North by Santa Clara street, on the East by the Coyote Creek, on the South by William street, and on the West by Eleventh street. The grounds were laid out in 1865, and not withstanding the short period of their existence, they are already a marvel of beauty. “ The premises are tastefully divided into fields, parks, and beds, where vegetation is seen springing forth in every form. A pleasant drive winds for a mile and a half through a vineyard of an infinite variety of grapes and grace fully hanging trees. Here and there, sparkling foun tains feed this little vegetable world, and give it life and continued freshness. The capacity for irrigation is large. There are seven artesian wells with a capacity of 100,000 gallons each per day, but their full volume is scarcely ever permitted to run, as so much is rarely needed for actual use. One of these wells feeds an artificial pond, and waters all the vegetation; it furnishes for this purpose about two hundred and fifty gallons per day. The exquisite fiower beds are adorned with a myriad of blossoms of every light and shade, and you almost fancy that at twilight hour the goddesses come stealing in to deck themselves for the festal eve. Here is the palm, the fig, the olive, the almond, the magnolia in all its splendor, the heliotrope, fuschia, geranium, oleander, jessamine, clematis, ivy and the century plant. Here, too, flourish the palm from Panama, the origanum