12 HARE'S GUIDE TO This splendid building is situated on the west side of First street, between St. John and St. James. Ground was broken for its construction in the Fall of 1865, and the building was completed in 1868. The walls are of solid brick masonry, resting on a heavy foundation of concrete. It is of the Roman Corinth ian style of architecture, combining the solidity of the former with the beauty of the latter. The exterior walls are covered with cement, painted and sanded in imitation of stone, but greatly surpassing the model in beauty of finish. In form the building is a paral lelogram, being 100 feet front by 140 feet in depth. The hight of the walls from foundation to cornice is 56 feet; from the foundation to the top of the dome, 115 feet; from the foundation to the top of the flag staff, 185 feet. The monotony of the front is relieved by a large portico, built of stone, extending the whole width of the building. Over this portico extends the main roof, supported by columns 38 feet high and 4 feet in diameter, fluted and surmounted by Corinth ian capitals. The first floor is laid with marble tiles, in mosaic. The total cost of the building was about one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. On the ground floor are situated the offices of the County Clerk, County Recorder, Treasurer, Collector, and Sheriff; and a person taking a look into these large, commodious and finely furnished apartments, can hardly repress the thought that the lines of the offi cials of Santa Clara County have fallen in pleasant