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REPORTS ON AWARDS. GROUP VIII. I. Boott Cotton Mills, Lowell, Mass., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Commended for the excellence and even weaving of their cords and extra drills. 2. Wamsutta Mills, New Bedford, Mass., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Commended for the uniformity, excellence, and purity of their well-known fabrics. 3. Chicopee Manufacturing Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Commended for extra fine and for extra heavy cotton flannel of very superior quality; also for the firm and uniform quality of their heavy ^ sheeting, even and well made in every respect. 4. Berkley Co., Providence, R. I., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Commended for the superior quality of lawns and nainsooks, and especially for fine sateens, No. 100 warp, 150 filling, 350 picks filling to the inch; the sateen being one of the finest, and supposed to be the very finest, fabric made in the United States. It deserves special mention for the great skill required in its production. 5. Monadnock Mills, Claremont, N. H., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Commended for the excellent quality of the Marseilles quilts, and their adapta tion to popular wants. 6. Slater Cotton Co., Providence, R. I., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Commended for the veiy even quality of their bleached shirtings known as the “ Pride of the West.” 7. Boston Manufacturing Co., Waltham, Mass., U. S. COTTON FABRICS. Report.—Firm, strong, and thoroughly well manufactured medium fabrics, of special excellence.