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^ 273, 24. November 1916. Bibliographischer Teil. Dougbton .Vikllin Co. 8". 2 §. Luton. l,. K>.: liie eolleetion oi osteologieal material krom iVlaebli kieeku. Xe» Klaven, 6t.: IXlttle, Xlorekouse L Vaylor Co. 4". öO 0 , . ; l 6 ^ ä k ä ' ) Xexv Volk: 8eribner. 8°. 3 § 50 e. vie» Co. 8°. 2 8 kro^vn. 8". 2 K 50 e. Oo8°^3^5o'e. ^ a e. ep ) Orikkis, >V. Llliot: konnie 8eotlaild and »bat »e o»'e ber. koston: Dougbton IVIikklin. 8". 1 K 25 e. tlai vui,l ktiulivs in elassieal pbilology. Vol. 27. Cambridge, IVIass.: Harvard Cniv. 8°. 1 8 50 e. Da»kins, kiebmond kuurin: IVIaistre Cbarles kontaine, ksrisien. Cambridge, I^lass.: Harvard Cniv. 8°. 2 K. Daves, Carlvon dos. Duntley: ^ ixilitieal and soeial bistory ok modern kurope. Vol. 2. Xe»' Vork: Naemillan Co. 8". 2 § 25 e. Hoar. Vllen: Vbe submarine torpedo boat. Its ekaraeteristies and modern developments. Xe»' Vork: Van Xostrand. 8°. 2 Z. Dornbeek, Stanley Kubl: Contemporary polities in tbe Kar käst, Xe»' Vork: ^ppleton. 8°. 3 Z. Hulkes, Uromas d.: 8tate soeialism alter tbe »ar. kbiladelpkia: daeobs. 8°. 1 K 50 e. Düse. Cbarles kbillips: Vbe kinaneial bistory ok koston. krom klay 1. 1822, to danuary 31, 1909. Cambridge, ^lass.: Harvard Idniv. 8°. 2 8- - 8, - vi' dekkerson, 6. k.: ^Vbat tbe »ar is teaebing. IVlerriek leetures, Obio VVesleyan klniversity. Xe»' Vork: kevell. 8". 1 P. dones. Cbester kloyd: Caribbean interests ok tbe United States. Xe» Vork: ^ppleton. 8°. 2 8 50 e. kOoInel'O'kbbv.^^^ 8^^i^ Kalos, Vlb. Martin: Cases on eontraets and eombinations in restraint ok trade, seleeted krom tbe deeisions ok knglisk and American Kendall ^rtlr. d.: Kaeteriolo^v. general. patbologiesl and intestinal. ^Vitb 98 engrav. and 9 pl. kbiladelpkia: kea L kebiger. 8°. 4 8 50 e. Vork: Columbia k'niv. Kress: 8°. 1 8 50 e. Vork: kutnam. 8". 1 8- ^ Ö'keilly. 12 vols. Xe»' Vork: Catbolie kubl. 8oeietv. 8". 36 8. ^ b and alpl abebesl y a ang ^ 8".^'2 8 500"^ ^030 I Cniv, Kress. 8". 1 8 50 e. mill'an. 8°. 2 8- ^ ^ 2 8- 8°. ' 2 8 50 e. 8eribner. 8°. 1 8 25 e. Crbana. lll.: ldniv. ok Illinois. 8°. 5 8. Dodd. l^Iead. 8". 1 8 50 e. Vaemillan Co 8". 2 8 Kress. 8°. 3 8 50 e. 4'^^4°8.E ^ ^ ^ rnSion, 0. 6 Car eg e Xe»'Vork: ^Viley. 8°. 3 8- 1830—1915. ^e^v Vork: kutnam. 8°. 3 8 50 e. 8niitk. klorouee 81.: !^1ar>' ^stell. k^exv Vork: Columbia ldniv. Kress. 8°. 1^8 50 e.^ ^ - L i-d ä lt l ) Kodd, IVlead. 8". 1 § 50 e. l'bompson, KIbert X. 8.: dobn ^lilton. Vopieal bibliograpb^. Xe» Kaven: Vale Cniv. Kress. 8*. 1 8 15 e. eieknor, Caroline: Koe's Helen. Xexv Vork: Seribner. 8°. 1 8 50 e. kornia. 8°. 1 8 50 e. Irebein, kertba k.: Vbeodor kontaue ss a eritie ok tbe drama. Xe» Vork: Columbia Idniv.-Kress. 8°. 1 8- kobbs-XIerrill. 8°. 1 8 25 e. kov^se, d. kanken: 8ixtv z^ears ok tbe tbeater. ^n old oritie's memories. Xe>v Vork: kunk L VVagnalls. 8°. 2 8 50 e. Vuttek, kmmerielr de: Ke droit des gens, ou prineipes de 1a loi natu relle appligues ä 1a eonduite et aux «kkaires des nstions et des souverains. >Vitb an introd. bz Ulbert de kapradelle. 3 vols IVasbington, v. C.: Carnegie Institute. 4°. 8 8- kindloss, Harold: üis one talent. kondon: >Vard, koek. 8*. koman. 6 sk. '"'.^'l sli^^ cb o'^ ^ oZ v Coleridge, Stepben: ^n evening in my library amoug tbe knglisb poets. kondon: kane 8°. 3 sb. 6 d. Connoll), Dom k. Ilugli: Vbe so-called kgzptian ebureb Order and 2N6 8tu6ies. 6ontrib»t,»,.s to blblieal 2ll6 I>»ti-I6t,c- Iitei-Lturo. Dietionar)', ^ ne>v knglisb. on bistorical prineiples. Vol. 10 (Vi—2): V.—Verikieative. Oxkord: Clarendon Kress. 4". 5 sb. kaland, C. ^.: Inseet enemies. kondon: Crant kiebards. 8'. 6 sb. kliot, Oeorgv: komola. VVitb an introd. and notes bx C. K. Wkeeler. Oxkord: Oniv. Kress. 8°. 2 sb. 6 d. '7^'t^d^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n Constantinople. Cambridge: Cniv. Kress. 8". 1 sb. Oower, D. D.. k. 8tanlex dast and >V. >V. d'oplev: Vb« eamera as kisto- rian. bandbook to pbotograpbic record »ork. kondon: ko^v. 8°. 6 sk. koeke, ^Villiam d.: Ule »onderkul vear. kondoil: kane. 8°. koman 6 sk. kodgv, 8ir Oliver: ka^mond. or like and deatb. kondon: IVletbueu. 8°. 10 sb. 6 d. i'.len-.ies, tttrs. 8tuart: Kord Williani kereskord. 8ome memories kondon: denkins. 8°. 12 sb. 6 d. Nerton, dobn: kove letters under kire. l^ondon: Duelovortli 8*. 5 sb. Ner»in, 8amuel: Ule boney bee. kondon: Xasb. 8°. koman. 5 sb. >litton. 6. L.: Vbe lost eitles ok Ceylon kondon: klurrav. 8'. 10 sk. 6^d. ^ ^ ^ ^ b. ZI 1 (' kne, Derbert: klaple leaves in klsnders kields. ^Vitk an intixid. b> Admiral 8ir Ulbert ^larkbam. kondon: 8mitk, klder. 8°. 5 sb. kavina. k.: Vke romanee ok a kapbael ^ studv ok tbe portraits Ckatto L Hindus. 8° 1 sb. 10bl