conducted, has been pleased to grant the petition of the Council dated 2nd of March and to consider the Conser- vatorium a Royal Foundation, being as such, entitled to assume the actual title of "Royal” and to have engraved upon its official seal the Arms of the Royal House. Nevertheless it is not to be deemed that the Institution itself has been in any way thereby altered ; although the regulations of the Conservatorium, as settled under Royal approbation at the time of the foundation of the Institution, have been affected, in as much as the selec tion of the Directors of the Conservatorium and their admission to office now requires the Royal sanction, and all changes which may occur in the body corporate of the Council must be reported to the Lord Chamber lain’s office for the approval of His Majesty; and that regular reports of the Conservatorium must, at the end of each year, be furnished to the Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty’s Household. The Lord Chamberlain has much pleasure in com municating this decision of His Majesty to the President and Council of the Conservatorium of Music at Leipzig. Dresden, this 3rd day of April 1876. von Falkenstein Lord Chamberlain.