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Aida.—Ah, flee from where these burn- ing skies Are all beneath them blighting; Toward regions now we’ll turn our eyes, Our faithful love inviting. There, where the virgin forests rise, ’Mid fragrance softly stealing, Our loving bliss concealing, The world we’ll quite forget. Radames.—To distant countries rang ing. With thee thou bid’st me fly! For other lands exchanging All ’neath my native sky! The land these armies have guarded, That first fame’s crown awarded, Where first I thee regarded, How can I e’er forget? Aida.—There, where the virgin forests rise, ’Mid fragrance softly stealing, Our loving bliss concealing, The world we’ll quite forget. Radames.—Where first I thee regarded How can I e’er forget? Aida.—Beneath our skies more freely To our hearts will love be yielded; The gods thy youth that shielded, Will not our love forget; Ah, let us fly! Radames (hesitating).—Aida. Aida.—Me thou lov’st not! Go 1 Radames.—Not love thee? Ne’er yet in mortal bosom love’s flame did burn With ardor so devouring! Aida.—-Go! go! von awaits for thee Amneris! Radames.—All in vain. Aida.-—In vain, thou sayest? Then fall the axe upon me, And on my wretched father. Radames (with impassioned resolution). Ah no! we’ll fly, then! Yes, we’ll fly these walls now hated, In the desert hide our treasure, Here the land to love seems fated, There all seems to smile on me. Aida.—’Mid the valleys where nature greets thee, We our bridal couch soon spreading, Starry skies, their lustre shedding, Be our lucid canopy. Follow me, together flying, Where all love doth still abide; Thou art lov’d with love undying! Come, and love our Steps shall guide. (They are hasting away, when sud- denly Aida pauses.) Aida.—But, teil me; by what path shall we avoid Alighting on the soldiers? Radames.—By the path that we have chosen To fall on the Ethiops; ’Twill be free until to-morrow. Aida.—Say, which is that? Radames.—The gorges of Napata. Amonasro.—Of Napata the gorges! There will I post my men! Radames.—Who has overheard us ! Amonasro.—Aida’s father, Ethiopia’s King! Radames (overcome with surprise).— Thou ! Amonasro! thou! the King ? Heaven ! what say’st thou ? No ! it is false! Surely this can be but dreaming! Aida.—Ah, no! be calm, and list to me, Trust! love thy footsteps guiding. Amonasro.—In her fond love confiding A throne thy prize shall be. Radames.—My name forever branded! For thee I’ve played the traitor! Aida.—Ah, calm thee! Amonasro.—No; blame can never fall on thee, It was by fate commanded. Come, where beyond the Nile arrayed, Warriors brave are waiting; There love each fond wish sating, Thou shalt be made happy. Come then. (Dragging Radames.) Amneris (from the temple).—Traitor vile! Aida.—My rival here ! Amonasro.—Dost thou come to mar my projects ? (Advancing with dagger towards Am neris.) Radames (rushing between them).—De- sist, thou madman 1 Amonasro.—Oh fury! Ramphis.—Soldiers, advance!