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Zehntes Al!0\\EHE\T-(0\(i:ilT im Saale des Gewöndhausös Äu Leipzig, Donnerstag, den 14. December 1843. Erster Thett. Ouvertüre von Ford. Hiller. (Dmoll.) Recitativ und Arie aus Judas Maccabaeus von Händel, gesungen von Miss Birch. Recitativ. 0 let eternal honours crown his name; Judas ! first worthy in the rolls of fame. Say “He put on the breastplate as a Giant And girl his warlike harness about him. In his acts he was like a Lion, and like a Lion’s whelp roaring for his prey“ Arie. From migty kings he took the spoil, And with his acts made Judah smile. Judah rejoiceth in his name And trinmphs in her Hero’s fame. Concert für Pianoforte mit Orchesterbegleitung von W. A. Mozart, (D moll.) vorgetragen von Herrn Musikdir. F. Hiller.